Emergency Lighting

Emergency Lighting

A basic requirement for all workplaces, the presence and reliability of emergency lighting is crucial to the safe and legally sound operation of any business. In the event of an emergency power failure, it will assist in the safe evacuation from the building. Moreover, it is a mandatory requirement in all work premises where artificial light is installed. Call Facit Testing Ltd in Norwich for more information.

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What is emergency lighting?

Emergency lighting is part of a property's fire safety system, alongside alarms, detectors, sprinklers and gas systems, etc, and is designed to provide suitable illumination of escape routes, allowing for safe movement towards and through the exits provided. This is especially important in high risk areas and within buildings with different levels enabling personnel to evacuate the building safely.

Fire alarm testing

What's involved?

Emergency lighting testing involves the periodic test and inspection of all key components within the system. This includes a functionality test of the key switches, batteries, luminaries and control equipment, to ensure that back-up lighting is in full working order in the event of an emergency.

What we do

It is crucial that a qualified, experienced electrician tests and inspects your emergency lighting systems on a regular basis. As part of the inspection process, our Facit Testing professionals will isolate every circuit supplying an emergency light, to ensure that the internal battery in the emergency fittings will keep emergency exits illuminated should a power failure occur. Every 12 months, a 3-hour run-down test is performed to ensure the battery is capable of operating for the desired period. Each light is inspected to ensure that it operates correctly and that the lamp inside is sound.

Upon completion of the emergency lighting system test and inspection, Facit Testing will provide you with a report outlining the details of the installation system, circuit information and inspection results, an inventory of the items tested, and a list of any defects or deviations from the BS 5266 standard regulation.

Ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations

The emergency lighting regulations that apply to the UK are the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997, which state that 'emergency routes and exits requiring illumination must be provided with emergency lighting of adequate intensity in case lighting fails'. It is therefore the responsibility of all employers to ensure that these systems are suitably maintained and checked for safety and compliance. All emergency lighting systems should now be installed, tested and inspected in accordance with the Emergency Lighting BS 5266 standard.

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Keep the lights on, whatever happens.

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